I stopped into Banana Republic yesterday while killing time before my hair appointment. BR is one of my very favorite stores, probably even at the top of my list. I had seen a few of their spring ads in magazines and, truth be told, wasn’t impressed with what I saw in the ads. However, seeing the new collection in person completely changed my opinion.

There ads gave off a safari vibe and I definitely picked up on a “safari-meets-city-chic” feel. The colors felt very earthy and the pieces were versatile. I saw a good mix of structured and flowy. Luckily, I only had about 10 minutes before my hair appointment, so no time to try on, which means nothing purchased. (Good thing, too, since I dropped some cash the week prior at Nordstrom with a personal shopper. More on that another time.)

A few of the pieces that caught my eye:

Cute top. It’s a little out of my comfort zone but think it may be worth trying on at some point. I think it’s definitely a versatile top that could be worn to work or going-out.













I was immediately drawn to this jacket. I love the fresh, updated feel and the lightness for spring and cold indoors during summer. This definitely gave off a safari vibe.









I covet this dress! The soft, silky fabric, great color and flattering cut – everything about this dress screams my name. This dress will definitely get a try-on at some point. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I saw it in the store.










There were two other pieces that really caught my eye and they are completely out of my comfort zone. I don’t have the slightest idea how I would wear them, yet they clearly stood out to me because I’m writing about them.

The sequined sweatshirt – a huge trend right now. It’s everything that I don’t do – effortlessly casual and uber-trendy. But still….

And the belted safari vest. It embodies the safari feel and yet is so out of my league.

There were many more pieces that caught my eye but these are the stand-outs. Only time (and my wallet) will tell if any of these come home to live with me.

Has anyone purchased any of the new spring BR pieces? How are you liking their new collection?

All images courtesy of Banana Republic.